Thanksgiving Music night 感恩節綜合晚會

Cultural Café is hosting the Thanksgiving Music night on Friday, October 10, 2014 from 8:00PM. The event includes Golden Oldies music, Primal chaos, magic, performance by a special guest, and sharing by the Mandarin Pastor from the Toronto Chinese Community Church!

The program will be in Mandarin and admission is free! Please invite your non-Christian friends to this wonderful event!


文化咖啡廊」將於 10月 10日(週五/長週末) 晚上 8:00舉辦「感恩節綜合晚會」,節目豐富及多元化,包括懷舊金曲、中樂、太極、魔術等,更有「聲動全城」新星組冠軍 Sai Zhang作特别嘉賓表演精彩歌曲;當晚由多倫多華人基督教會于斌傳道分享信息,懇請帶未信主的親友參加,聚會以國語進行,免費入場。